Friday, April 4, 2008

Download Two 'Flight of the Concords' Songs for Free!

Pick up "Ladies of the World" and "Business Time" at CNET.

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

What If Futurama Was Real [PIC]

An artist's rendition of a real-life version of the Futurama cityscape. Amazing!

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

1 kid plays the Tetris theme w/ 2 guitars simultaneously!

That's really impressive. I wonder how old he is? I'd say he is 11 or 12, but you can never tell with Asian people. I can't even comprehend the level of multitasking involved to play two guitars at once, but I wonder if he could have played the same song finger picking with both hands using one guitar.

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Strange Picture to Use....For a Classical Music Album Cover

The Planets is a seven-movement orchestral suite by the English composer Gustav Holst, written between 1914 and 1916. The Planets is the most-performed composition by an English composer.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Remix a song from Radioheads In Rainbows, Trent Reznor style

We couldn't let April 1st pass without pulling some kind of gag, but we didn't think that readers at Digg thought the Radiohead Remix was an April Fool's joke too. Now, if you thought I was being harsh, or that I hate Radiohead or anything like that, know that bought the deluxe edition of every album save for In Rainbows. I even bought Kid A twice, as I had given my first copy to my girl at the time. I was late to the game, I admit, as I only really got into Radiohead upon hearing Kid A, and worked my way backwards. I've donated to Greenplastic when they were doing fund drives like we used to do. If Greenplastic and Atease weren't around, I probably would actually be running some variety of Radiohead news site, but they've got that covered really well. I had planned on going "radiohead hotline" for April Fool's Day a while ago, but put it aside. When I heard about the ludicrous terms of the remix setup they launched, it was too good to pass up.All that being said, I do think it's kind of lame that you have to buy compressed multitracks through iTunes if you want to participate in this contest. I had a copy of Nude ages ago when it was bootleg only, and was glad to buy a copy of In Rainbows to get the CD quality version. ("It's never going to be CD quality [on computers], because that's what CD does. -- Jonny Greenwood). They should have released the multitracks free under Creative Commons, that way you could post them online without any fear of legal repercussion. And taking ownership of your remix when you upload it to their remix site is just rude.Cliff and Meathead are, however, still dead.Thanks, and happy April Fool's Day!

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Radiohead: the band who rewrote the rules

Portishead are about to release their next album, 10 years after the last one. So are Massive Attack, which will be only their fifth album in 17 years. The good ship Oasis is hoving into view: they've just completed the Los Angeles sessions on their seventh album, the follow-up to Don't Believe the Truth (2005). After some delay, the successor to Coldplay's X&Y is also looming this summer. Thom YorkeRadiohead's world tour proper kicks off in Florida early next monthRadiohead took a long time to finish and release their current album, too. Four-and-a-half years passed between the appearance of Hail to the Thief and the (initially) download-only In Rainbows last October. But, unlike their totemic peers in modern British music, only Radiohead spent a huge chunk of that time thinking. Not dithering, indulging, fretting, or spending their rock-star millions. Thinking."You wouldn't believe the amount of meetings we've been having," singer Thom Yorke notes with a dry chuckle. He looks wearied as he says it. Taking nothing for granted, reimagining how bands - especially big bands - operate. It's clearly taken its toll.But he's also buzzing with ideas and enthusiasm. Radiohead have been buoyed by the runaway success of the In Rainbows "initiative" - not only in terms of sales, but in terms of the music-industry shift engendered by their pay-what-you-think-this-is-worth moment. Not forgetting the crucial fact that Radiohead's seventh is a beautiful and stunning album.For these devil-in-the-detail artist-thinkers, the revolutionary "honesty box" idea was only the start of it. Radiohead then agonised over the bit rate (which affects the quality of the sound) at which the downloaded album should be made available.

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Amazing new Gmail feature!!!

Introducing Gmail Custom Time.Be on time. Every time."I used to be an honest person; but now I don't have to be. It's just so much easier this way. I've gained a lot of productivity by not having to think about doing the 'right' thing."Todd J., Investment Banker

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