Monday, March 31, 2008 is GONE!!!

It appears that the most popular rick-roll on youtube is gone! Check it out, it's the first link on the page. How can we avert this national disaster?

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Foobar2000 Audio Player gets Interface Revolution

The audiophile geek's music player foobar2000 has had an aesthetic update of epic proportions; using the new PanelsUI component users can completely customise their configurations using pop-open panels, tabs and buttons; virtually all arrangements are now possible. This revolution has been encapsulated by the linked to configuration.

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Why Today's Music Sounds Like Shit

Over the past decade and a half, a revolution in recording technology has changed the way albums are produced, mixed and mastered — almost always for the worse. Producers and engineers call this "the loudness war," and it has changed the way almost every new pop and rock album sounds...

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The real reason that no-one listens to current day music anymore.

Ever gone into the mall and noticed that the music blasting out of all the pop-culture stores is never recent? That's because no-one listens to current music, good or bad, these days, and here's why.

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Britney Spears loses custody of children

A court has ordered pop singer Britney Spears to give up custody of her children effective Wednesday at noon.

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Reznor makes $750,000 even when the music is free

Trent Reznor released a new Nine Inch Nails record over the weekend and has already sold out his 2,500 deluxe editions at $300 a pop. This is what "competing with free" looks like.

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Why Pop Music Is Soul-less and Wrong

This clip is from the movie Before The Music Dies, about how pop stars are created and packaged as marketing tools. No musical talent? No problem!

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A Brief History of LSD [COMIC]

Lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD or acid, is a psychedelic drug used mainly as a recreational drug, an entheogen, and a tool to supplement various practices for transcendence, including in meditation, psychonautics, art projects, and illicit psychedelic psychotherapy, whether self-administered or not.

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Toys "R" Us Sells Lower Back Tattoo Stickers For Kids [PIC]

Got a trampy little kid that isn't quite ready to get inked? No problem. Toys "R" Us has lower-back tattoo stickers for little miss thing.Don't buy these. You get better versions for free with the DIY Girls Gone Wild: Playground kit.

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The Top 10 Worst Hairstyles In Music - EVER!

An image collection of the 10 worst hairstyles in music of all times. It includes Bill Ray Cyrus, Britney Spears, A.J. McLean, and more. Its hard to imagine the absolute lack of judgement of these people!I think you meant Top 10 most awesome hair hairstyles in music EVER!

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Original 007 Sean Connery wants to be a James Bond Villain

It has been 25 years since he ordered a martini, shaken, not stirred.But Sean Connery, who played James Bond in seven of the classic spy movies, has a sudden taste for a comeback - as a villain.Preliminary discussions are said to have taken place between the 77-year-old actor and Bond producers...

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11 "Don't-Tell-the-Wife" Top Secrets All Men Keep

There occurs a time in every life when he discovers the value of concealing part of its grosser nature.He begins reading sweet nothings you long to hear: "No, honey, I play golf for the exercise." "No, honey, I think you are a great driver." "No, honey, I was not looking at that coed washing machine in the rain."

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Super Smash Bros. Lyrics Interpretation

hahhaa i listen to that song everyday! i've made some of my own interperatations of the song but this one is great! Super Smash Bros. Lyrics Interpretation is cool!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Anti-Emo Riots Break Out Across Mexico

Riot police have taken to the streets of several cities in Mexico to ... defend Emo kids?A series of attacks on dyed-hair, eye-makeup-wearing emo kids began in early March when several hundred people went on an emo-beating rampage in Querétaro, a town of 1.5 million about 160 miles north of Mexico City.[skipped]lol :D Mexico Emo kids :)

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Hi All !!!

Hi! My nick is Tonika and that blog about my life and work. I'm a pop musician in small moddern group.